Watch this clip with Dr. Sami David and Jill Blakeway, LAc, discuss their book Making Babies:A Proven 3-month Program for Maximum Fertility on Parents TV. [youtube][/youtube]

Dr Sami David is a reproductive endocrinologist who has been working with Jill Blakeway, LAc for several years. Dr. David discusses concerns about IVF and why acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine are a healthier alternative to fertility drugs. Jill Blakeway explains the types of people who come in for treatment, and how they have come up with a way to find the "type" of people who come in for treatments.

1.Tired 2. Dry 3. Pale 4. Stuck 5. Waterlogged

Jill gives specific advice about each type, and explains that in Chinese medicine, we treat each person individually. Each type and each person will have specific treatment plans tailored exactly to what they need. Jill also reminds couples that it's not always the woman who may be the reason a couple is unable to conceive, and that men should also get checked out. If you are curious about your "type" go to the Making Babies Program website and take the test (I took it- it's easy!). I also recommend checking out the YinOva blog for a great post on how men can boost their fertility potential.

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